Operator, our bot that automates simple tasks, qualifies your leads so you can spend more time focusing on having conversations with them. The 'Qualify leads' task bot asks your leads questions to qualify them, and then takes the follow-up action you choose, like assigning your lead to a team. Here’s how:

Capture new leads' contact details

When a visitor starts a conversation with you in the Messenger, they become a lead. Operator's 'Ask for contact details' Task Bot asks for their email address or phone number so they get your reply even if they leave your site.

When a visitor leaves their details, the bot adds it to their profile in Intercom:

Automatically qualify leads

Operator can ask your leads for any four details to qualify them.  Visit the 'Qualify leads' Task Bot in your Operator settings, and choose 'Simple qualification' to ask your leads for more details:

Note: You'll need our Inbox product to qualify your leads. If you'd just like to capture your leads' email addresses, choose 'Capture email'.

Then, choose the details your sales team needs to convert your leads into users. 

You can choose your qualification data from our default list, select your own data or create new data. Here’s the list of default attributes we set up for you

  • Name

  • Email address

  • Company name

  • Company size

  • Company website

  • Company industry

You can also choose from the existing custom data you’ve already set up in Intercom. 

Create custom qualification data

It’s easy to create new custom qualification data to capture the important details your sales team needs to progress your leads.

Just hover over the tooltip and select ‘Manage your qualification data.' 

Next, click ‘Add data.' Then, select 'Create new data.' 

Next, choose if your new data applies to people or companies, name your data and select its format. It’s also good practice to give your data a description, so your team can easily see its definition and purpose: 

Pro tip: We recommend choosing simple names that customers can easily understand. Leads will see these names in the Messenger as Operator qualifies them. For more tips, read our best practices on qualification.

You can format your data as text, a number, decimal number, true or false statement, date or list:

A ‘list’, for example, allows you to ask your leads to choose from a list of options. If your leads usually fit into two business models, like ‘B2B’ or 'B2C’, you can ask them to choose from a list so they can answer quickly. 

Pro tip: If you see more job roles using your product, include ‘other’ as an option, so you can see what how many of your leads don’t fit the job roles you expected.

Your leads can then easily add their qualification details in the Messenger:

Operator will also add your lead’s qualification data to their profile and automatically progress their qualification status in your team inbox:

Choose the right qualification data for your business

  • Let Operator focus on the simple tasks, like collecting each lead’s name, company name and company size. Your teammates should then ask questions that require more in-depth answers, like the goal the lead is hoping to achieve with your product.

  • Keep your target customer in mind when selecting the data you’ll ask them for, so you capture the most relevant information for your sales team. 

  • Only ask your leads for details they’ll be comfortable giving you over chat so you can qualify them more easily. If you’d like to know your lead’s revenue, for example, give them a multiple choice of ranges instead of asking for one figure.

Automatically assign leads with specific answers to specific teams 

You can create ‘Rules’ that assign your leads who give specific answers to specific teams or teammates. For example, if you’re qualifying leads based on company size, you can automatically assign leads who answer ‘greater than 500’ to your VIP sales team.

If you want to assign your qualified leads to a team evenly, you can assign them round robin style:

You can also add a tag to categorize them or add them to a campaign in Intercom, send them a meeting invitation, or create a lead in Salesforce:

Once you’ve selected your qualification data and follow-up rules, Operator will start qualifying your leads.

Note: The Qualify Leads Task Bot won’t ask your leads qualification questions or add data to their profiles if you already have data in the relevant field.

Qualify leads from ongoing messages

If you also have our Messages product, you can easily turn on the Qualify Leads Task Bot in every ongoing message to visitors you create. 

First, choose ‘text’ as your response type (so the Qualify Task Bot shows up as a follow-up):

Then, turn on ‘Qualify with Operator’ in the ‘Follow up’ step:

The Task Bot will now qualify visitors who reply to your message.

Note: The Qualify Leads Task Bot is available in every language we support. 

What’s next?


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