There are two ways you can automatically capture your visitors’ contact details in Intercom: 

  • When a new lead starts a conversation, Operator's 'Ask for Contact details' Task Bot can capture their contact details.

  • Send proactive messages to target and capture visitors’ email addresses.

Capture inbound leads' contact details

When a visitor starts a conversation, the 'Ask for contact details' Task Bot can automatically ask for their contact details, so you can get in touch if they leave. This helps ensure your team never lose touch with a new lead. 

To turn on this Task Bot, go to Task Bots in your Operator settings and choose 'For leads':

Then, select the 'Ask for contact details' Task Bot:

Lastly, choose if you want to ask for email only, or give the option of either email or mobile. Once you've chosen an option, turn on the Task Bot:

Now, the Task Bot will ask new leads for their contact details.

Note:  You can qualify new leads by asking for up to four pieces of information with the Qualify Leads Task Bot.

When does Operator ask visitors for their details?

Where possible, Operator will give you the chance to respond in real-time to your lead's message before it asks for their contact details. Here’s how it works: 

  • When you’re unlikely to reply fast, Operator will ask for your lead's contact details right away. 

  • But if your automatic response time is less than 10 minutes or you’ve selected ‘Typically replies in a few minutes’ as your reply time, Operator will give you the chance to respond first. If you haven’t replied to your lead after 2 minutes, Operator will ask for their details. 

How to get your reply time to appear

When a lead sees how long they’ll have to wait for your response, they’ll be more likely to leave their email address or phone number (depending on what works best for them). For your reply time to appear you’ll need to send your message to visitors from a team. 

Important: When you send a message from a teammate Operator won’t show a reply time. 

How leads get notified of your reply by SMS 

When leads opt to get notified by SMS and leave their phone number, Operator will send them an SMS notifying them of your reply. 

As soon as they tap on the link they’ll be brought to the mobile web Messenger to read your message there. 

Additional details on SMS: 

  • Operator waits 2 minutes before sending the SMS (this is how long we wait before sending an email too). If the lead has already seen the reply in the Messenger, then we don't send the SMS. This prevents unnecessary notifications when the user is having a real-time conversation.

  • Leads can’t reply directly to the SMS. They’ll need to read and reply to your message from the Messenger instead. 

  • Once a lead adds their phone number, Operator will notify them of all of your conversation replies by SMS. If they want to opt-out, you can delete their phone number in the user profile panel. 

  • If a lead writes in from any of these countries: Australia, Canada, Germany, France, UK, Ireland, Netherlands, Sweden, or the US, we send the SMS from a local number. Otherwise we default to sending it from a US number.


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Capture visitor email addresses with ongoing messages to visitors

It’s easy to capture visitor email addresses from targeted messages you send. When you create a message to visitors, just select ‘email collector’ as your response type. 

Pro tip: To incentivize visitors to give their email, offer them something valuable in return. For example, a link to a webinar you’re hosting or other exclusive content, like an ebook. 

Once you send a message, you can check your stats to see how many emails it collected. 

Add your visitors’ contact details manually 

If a lead doesn’t leave their name, email address or phone number themselves you can ask them for their details, so you can follow up and continue the conversation. You could offer to send them a relevant blog post or a discount code, for example.

Just visit the ‘qualification’ section of their profile and add their name, email or phone number there. 

What’s next? 

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