What’s this template for? This 👇  is a step-by-step guide for creating a custom bot that allows you to increase your sales by offering personalized product recommendations to leads based on what they love. Enjoy 😄 

Once a visitor lands on your website, they’ll want to quickly find a product that appeals to their taste. If they don’t find what they need, they’ll get bored, leave and never return. 

Luckily, you can create a custom bot that guides people to the right products based on their preferences. So, you’ll convert more leads to customers, and reduce the time it takes for them to purchase. 

Note: Custom bots are completely customizable, as the name suggests 😄  Feel free to tweak any steps in the template, to work better for your own leads. 


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Here’s a template to get you started quickly:

Step 1: Choose your target audience 

First, target your bot to the right audience. To capture quality leads for your sales team, you’ll want to target your most engaged visitors on your site. 

For example, if you’ve a bookshop, you can trigger this to send when your visitors’ ‘current page URL contains /books’, their ‘time on page is greater than 5 seconds’ and their ‘total visits is greater than 3.’ 

This will leave visitors with time to browse your books, before your bot appears. 

Step 2: Engage potential leads on your site 

Your welcome path (path A) is the first message your visitors will get. Here, you can go ahead and ask if they’d like help picking out the right product. We also recommend offering a discount to incentivize your visitors to buy what you recommend. 

Pro tip: Keep your dialogue short, snappy and friendly. 

For your reply buttons, you should give your visitors a chance to opt in or out of your offer. Don’t be afraid to have a little fun here. For example, your reply buttons could be: 

Then, you can direct leads down different paths, based on their replies. Beside each of your reply buttons, just select ‘Add path.’ 

Now, we’ll create a path for each of your replies. You should go ahead and name your new paths right away. Here, we’ll call path B ‘Yes, wants help’ and path C ‘No, doesn’t want help.’ 

Note: Once a visitor interacts with your bot, they’ll become a lead.

Step 3: Send leads down different paths based on their initial replies 

Ok, now that you’ve created your two new paths, it’s time to set them up. Here’s how: 

Path B: Leads who want help 

First, set up your path for leads who do want help. If someone opts in, you can let them know you’d like to collect a few details from them. To add a message, just select ‘Add’, then ‘Bot message’ and start typing. 

Next, you can ‘Add’ a ‘Data field’ and choose what data you’d like to collect, like your leads’ name.

Note: You can choose from any of the qualification data you’ve defined in your qualification settings. 

Then, you could add another message and data field to capture even more details, like your visitors’ email. 

Note: Any important data you gather in your data fields will get added to your lead’s profile.

Now, you can add another message to ask your leads what their favourite book genre is. 

Then, choose to ‘End this path with reply buttons.’ Here, you can add different reply buttons for your leads to choose from, like ‘Fantasy’, ‘Literary fiction’ and ‘Thriller.’ 

Next, go ahead and add new paths for each of these genres, before naming them.

Note: We’ll show you how to set up paths D, E and F in just a moment. 

Path C: Leads who don’t want help 

If someone has indicated they don’t want a discount, you should still strive to offer them value. For example, you can encourage them to get in touch if they have any questions. 

And, it’s a nice touch to add another message that tells leads where they can find your best deals too. 

Then, you can add a helpful follow up action, and add the content showcase app to link to your latest book deals page. 

And, you can add another follow up action to automatically close the conversation, so it doesn’t reach your team’s open conversations list.

Step 4: Set leads down different paths based on their product preferences 

Now, you can set up the paths you’d like each of your interested leads to take, depending on their favourite book genre. 

This allows you to recommend different types of books to different types of leads, based on their preferences. These paths would look something like this:

Fantasy fans (Path D)

Here’s the fun part - you can send your fantasy fans a tailored message, with their own discount code. 

And, you can add another message, then follow up with the content showcase app, recommending a fantasy novel you’d think they’d enjoy - all before closing the conversation. 

Literary fiction fans (Path E)

For your literary fiction fans, you can send them a tailored message, with their discount code. 

And, you can add another message, then follow up with the content showcase app, recommending a literary fiction novel they’d enjoy - all before closing the conversation. 

Thriller fans (Path F) 

You can also send your thriller fans a tailored message, with their discount code.

And, you can follow up with the content showcase app, recommending a thriller novel you’d think they’d enjoy, before closing the conversation.

Congratulations, you’re done. Go ahead and set your bot live, so you can start increasing your sales around the clock, while you work, sleep and take on other tasks.

What’s next? 

Once you set your bot live, you can check your reports to see how it’s performing. 

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